Monday, June 19, 2017

The last day....

Agenda for Monday, June 19, 2017.

1.  Blog has been updated with videos. Use these videos to review some of the concepts that you have learned this semester.  Consider trying the question posed, and then checking your answer with the video.

2.  Final Exam Quiz!

3.  Take up the quiz.

4.  Exam is on early (9 am).  By 9:15 am, if you are not in class with your equipment and textbook, then I will call home to inquire about your absence.  If you are late to the exam, you will not be given any extra time.  If you are absent for the exam, you MUST  have a doctor's note verifying the absence and the reason.  You will write your exam at another time.  Any other reason for your absence will result in a mark of zero.

Be sure that your textbook is your own.
Be sure that you have all of your own supplies, just like during EQAO.
A formula sheet will be provided to you for your exam.

Good luck on all of your exams!